SKUTT KM-818-3" 240V/1PH KILN

Product Code: KM1468


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Name SKUTT KM-818-3" 240V/1PH KILN
Description Now your friendly eight sided Skutt electric kiln can give you precise firing control that was available only on top of the line models just a few years ago. It is a versatile Cone 10 kiln that is a great work tool for porcelain and stoneware artists. Easy to move and economical to operate, the KM-818-3 is the perfect kiln for home studios, too.
Warranty 2 Year Limited Warranty
Ship Weight 160
Kiln Controller Type Skutt KilnMaster Controller with Current Sensing
Cubic Feet 2.3
Voltage 240
Phase 1
Opening 16.5"
Depth 18"
Max Cone 10
Max Temp 2350 deg. F
Amps 27.8
Watts 6660
Breaker Size 40
Wire Size 8
NEMA Receptacle 6-50